- Videos 118
- Duration 11:55:37
- Branch Mechanical Engineering
- Language English
Course Description
To apply the laws of thermodynamics to analyze air standard cycles and to understand and evaluate the performance analysis of the major components and systems of IC engines, refrigeration cycles, and their applications.
Recommended For
B.E/B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
Learning Outcomes
- Apply thermodynamic concepts to different air standard cycles and solve problems.
- Solve problems in single-stage and multistage air compressors.
- Explain the functioning and features of IC engines, components, and auxiliaries.
- Calculate performance parameters of IC Engines.
- Explain the flow in gas turbines and solve problems.
UNIT 1 Unit - I: Definition of Engine, Heat Engine & IC Engine Classification, Working Principles of Four stroke engine & two stroke Engine, SI&CI Engines, Valve and Port timing diagram, Air standard cycles Part-1, Air standard cycles Part-2, Air standard cycles Part-3, Air standard cycles Part-4, Air Fuel and actual analysis part-1, Air Fuel and actual analysis part-2, Engine systems, Carburetion & fuel injection system for Si engines, Fuel Injection system for CI engine, principle of wankle engine, principle super charging & turbo charging, Losses in Actual Engine Cycle Part - 1, Losses in Actual Engine Cycle Part - 2, Actual and fuel air cycles of CI engines2:07:26
UNIT 2 Unit II: S.I. Engine, Fuel Supply systems, carburetor types Air Filters, Mechanical and Electrical Fuel Pump, Filters, Gasoline Injection Systems, Cooling & Lubrication Systems part- 1, Cooling & Lubrication Systems part- 2, Cooling & Lubrication Systems part- 3, Cooling & Lubrication Systems part- 4, Cooling Requirements, Air Cooling, Liquid Cooling, Thermo Siphon, Water And Forced Circulation System, Lubrication Systems-Flash, Pressurized and Mist Lubrication, Ignition System, Function of An Ignition System, Battery coil Ignition System, Magneto Coil Ignition system, Electronic Ignition System using Contact Breaker, Electronic Ignition using Contact triggers, Spark advance And Retard Mechanism1:02:44
UNIT 3 Fuels and Combustion: Normal Combustion and abnormal combustion in SI engines, Effect of engine variables and Importance of flame speed, Pre-ignition and knocking(Abnormal Combustion) in SI Engines, Fuel requirements and fuel rating, anti knock additives (Used in Petrol & Diesel), combustion chamber ? requirements & Types of SI engines, Four stages of combustion in CI engines, Delay period and its importance, Diesel Knock, Effect of engine variables, Need for air movement, suction, compression and combustion induced turbulence in Diesel engine, open and divided combustion chambers (Combustion Chambers in CI engine), fuel injection? Diesel fuel requirements, fuel rating, nozzles used ? fuel requirements and fuel rating ( Diesel Engines)1:00:02
UNIT 4 Testing and Performance: Parameters of performance, Measurement of cylinder pressure, fuel consumption, Volumetric efficiency (Air intake), Exhaust gas composition, Determination of Brake Power by using Dynamometer, Determination of frictional losses(Willan?s Line Method & Morse Test), indicated power, Performance test Graphs, Heat balance sheet&chart, Problem on Indicated Thermal Efficiency, Problem on Friction Loss, Problem on Parameters of the Engine, Problem On Fuel Consumption, Problems on Heat Balance Sheet Part- 1, Problems on Heat Balance Sheet Part- 2, Problem based on engine performance Part- 1, Problem based on engine performance Part- 2, Problem based on engine performance Part- 3, Fans, blowers and compressors1:27:24
UNIT 5 Rotary Compressor (Positive displacement type): Roots Blower-principle of working & efficiency considerations, vane sealed compressor-principle of working & efficiency considerations, Lysholm compressor - mechanical details, Dynamic Compressors, Centrifugal compressors-Mechanical details, principle of operation & velocity and pressure variation in Centrifugal Compressors, Energy transfer( Analysis of Centrifugal Compressor), Types of impeller blade shapes, losses, slip factor & pressure coefficient, power input factor, adiabatic coefficient, Problem on Centrifugal Compressor, Axial Flow Compressors-Mechanical details and principle of operation, Determination of energy transfer per stage of Axial Flow Compressor using velocity triangles, degree of reaction, work done factor, Flow coefficient and head coefficient in an axial flow compressor, isentropic efficiency pressure rise calculations & Losses, Problem on Axial Flow Compressors, Polytropic efficiency.0:47:49
UNIT 6 Air Compressors: Classification of compressors, Single Stage Reciprocating Compressors, Effect of Clearance volume in Reciprocating Compressors, Volumetric Efficiency & Factors effecting volumetric efficiency of Compressor, Multi Stage Reciprocating Compressors, Advantages of Multi stage Reciprocating Compressors, Effect of Inter cooling, Pressure Drop in Multi - Stage compressors, Problems Related to Reciprocating Compressors Part - 1, Problems Related to Reciprocating Compressors Part - 2, Problem based on two stage reciprocating Compressor Part - 1, Problem based on two stage reciprocating Compressor Part - 2, Problem based on two stage reciprocating Compressor Part - 31:06:30
UNIT 7 Refrigeration: Mechanical Refrigeration and types, Units of refrigeration and COP, Problems based on COP, Reversed Carnot Cycle with air as refrigerant, Ideal reverse Brayton cycle with as air refrigerant, Reverse Carnot cycle with vapor as refrigerant, Standard Vapor Compression Refrigeration System (VCRS), Problems based on VCRS, Effect on Sub cooling in VCRS, Effect of superheating on VCRS, Desirable properties of Refrigerants, Simple Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System, Use of p-h charts for calculations, Concepts of Psychrometry?, Properties Of Moist Air Part-1, Properties Of Moist Air Part-2, Usage of?Psychrometric Chart, Psychrometric Processes Part - 1, Psychrometric Processes Part - 2, Calculation of moist air properties, Problem Based on Air Conditioning System, Factors affecting thermal comfort, Types of air, conditioning systems-Requirements, schematic layout of a typical plant2:37:30
UNIT 8 Gas Turbines: Introduction, Simple Gas Turbine Plant, Ideal Cycle, Closed Cycle and Open Cycle for Gas Turbines, Constant Pressure Cycle, Constant Volume Cycle, Efficiency ? Work Ratio, Optimum Pressure Ration for Simple Gas Turbine Cycle, Parameters of Performance, Actual Cycle, Regeneration, Intercooling, Reheating, Effect of Operating Variables on Thermal Efficiency of open gas turbine plant, Closed Cycle, Semi-Closed Cycle, Problems Part- 1, Problems Part- 2, Problems Part- 31:46:12
G PanduRangam ., B Tech (Osmania), ME (Aerospace ,IISc , Bangalore )
An astute faculty with more than 7 years of experience in teaching Mechanical Engineering subjects, especially thermal engineering. A meritorious academic background of 1502 rank in EAMCET and All India Rank of 107 in GATE, Mr. Pandurangam has several years of guiding experience to students pursuing B.Tech and preparing for GATE and other competitive exams. He has worked in IIIT Basar and other prestigious institutions.