- Videos 130
- Duration 16:32:33
- Branch Mechanical Engineering
- Language English
Course Description
The fluid mechanics course explains the different properties of fluids that are at rest or in motion. It explains fluid statics, fluid kinematics, and fluid dynamics. In the hydraulic machinery course, we study practical applications of fluid mechanics i.e, performance and characteristics of different hydraulic turbines and pumps.
Recommended For
B.E/B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
Learning Outcomes
- Learn different properties of fluids and the relation between them.
- Understand the basic principles of fluid mechanics.
- Identify various types of flows.
- Understand boundary layer concepts and flow through pipes.
- Evaluate the performance of hydraulic turbines.
- Understand the functioning and characteristic curves of pumps.
UNIT 1 UNIT - I: Introduction Dimensions and units, Physical properties of fluids specific gravity, Viscosity Part -1, Viscosity Part -2, Viscosity Problem, Viscosity (Rhealogy) Part -3, Surface Tension Part -1, Surface Tension (Capillary Effect) Part -2, Surface Tension (Capillary Effect Problem) Part -3, Capillary Effect Problem, vapor pressure and their influences on fluid motion pressure at a point, Pressure, Hydrostatic law - atmospheric, Gauge and vacuum pressure, Pascal?s law & Variations of Pressure, Measurement of pressure, Piezometer, U-tube and Differential Manometers, Diffrential Utube manometer Problem, Pressure Gauges, Manometers: Differential and Micro Manometers, Hydrostatic forces on submerged plane, Horizontal, Vertical, inclined and curved surfaces Part -1, Horizontal, Vertical, inclined and curved surfaces Part -2, Center of pressure -Derivations and problems - part 1, Center of pressure -Derivations and problems - part 2, Problem - 1, Problem - 2, Problem - 302:52:36
UNIT 2 UNIT - II: Stability of bodies,Meta centre, Liquids in relative equilibrium Part, Fluid Kinematics, Description of fluid flow, Stream line,path line,streak lines, stream tube, classification of flows-steady & unsteady, Uniform & Non-uniform, Laminar & Turbulent, Rotational & Irrotational flows, Equation of continuity for one dimensional flow and three-dimensional flows., Continuity Momentum Part -1, Continuity Momentum part -2, Stream and velocity potential functions, Circulation and Vorticity Part - 1, Circulation and Vorticity Part - 2, Circulation and Vorticity Part - 3, Circulation and Vorticity Part - 4, Flownet analysis, Problem - 101:52:45
UNIT 3 UNIT - III: Fluid Dynamics, Surface and body forces, Euler?s and Bernoulli?s equations for flow along a stream line, Momentum equation and its application on force on pipe bend, Measurement of flow:Venturi Meter Part - 1, Measurement of flow:Venturi Meter Part - 2, Flow nozzle, Problem on Venturimeter, Orifice Meter, Pitot tube, Classification of Orifices, Flow Over Rectangular Stepped notch, Flow Over Triangular,Trapezoidal Stepped notches, Flow Over Broad crested weirs, Closed conduit flow: Reynold?s experiment, Laws of Fluid friction, Darcy Weisbach equation, Variation of friction factor with Reynold?s number,Moody's Chart, Minor losses in Pipes Part - 1, Minor losses in Pipes Part - 2, Total energy line,Hydraulic gradient line, Flow through Long Pipes/Inclined tubes, Pipes in series and Pipes in parallel,Equivalent Pipe, Water Hammer02:39:18
UNIT 4 UNIT - IV: Boundary Layer Theory - Definition,characteristics along thin plate, Boundary Layer-Thicknesses Part - 1, Boundary Layer-Thicknesses Part - 2, Prandtl contribution, control of BL, Approximate Solutions of Navier Stokes Equations, Laminar and Turbulent boundary layers (No derivation), Boundary layer Separation, Problem on Displacement Thikness, Boundary layer in transition, Vonkarman momentum integral equation, Characteristics of Laminar & Turbulent flows, Laminar Flow between Parallel Plates Part - 1, Laminar Flow between Parallel Plates Part - 2, Laminar Flow between Parallel Plates Part - 3, Laminar Flow Through Pipes Part -1, Correction Factors, flow around submerged objects ? drag and lift., Flow over Sphere, Flow Over Cylinder Part - 1, Flow Over Cylinder Part - 2, Flow Over Cylinder Part - 3, Magnus effect., Flow Over an Airfoil, Compressibility Effect03:10:51
UNIT 5 UNIT - V: Basics of turbo machinery, Impact of Free Jets Introduction, Hydrodynamic force of jets on stationary flat,inclined,curved vanes Part 1, Hydrodynamic force of jets on stationary flat,inclined,curved vanes Part 2, Hydrodynamic force of jets on moving flat inclined curved vanes Part - 1, Hydrodynamic force of jets on moving flat inclined curved vanes Part - 2, Hydrodynamic force of jets on moving flat inclined curved vanes Part - 3, Hydrodynamic force of jets on moving flat inclined curved vanes Part - 4, jet striking centrally and a tip, Velocity diagrams, Work done and efficiency, Flow over radial vanes, Problem Impact of free Jets, Hydraulic Turbines, Classification of turbines, Pelton Wheel Part - 1, Pelton Wheel Part - 2, Pelton wheel Design Parameters, Francis turbine, Kaplan turbine-working proportions, Propeller Turbine, Problem on Pelton Wheel, Problem on Francis Turbine, Problem on Kaplan Turbine, work done, efficiencies, Heads and efficiencies, impulse and reaction turbines, hydraulic design, Draft tube theory, Problem on Drag Force, functions and efficiencies, Performance of hydraulic turbines, Geometric similarity, Performance of turbines : Unit quantities, Performance of turbines : specific quantities, Model Testing of Turbines, Characteristic Curves, Governing of turbines Part-1, Governing of turbines Part-2, Selection of turbines, Cavitation, Surge tank, Water hammer.03:34:53
UNIT 6 UNIT - VI: Centrifugal pumps, Classification of Centrifugal Pumps, Major Components of Centrifugal Pump, Working of a Centrifugal Pump, Work done by Centrifugal Pump, Barometric head,losses and efficiencies, Specific speed, Performance characteristic curves, NPSH, Head Capacity Relationship, Problem on Centrifugal Pumps00:57:15
UNIT 6.1 Reciprocating pumps: Introduction, Classification of Reciprocating Pumps, Reciprocating pumps: Working,Discharge,slip, Work Done by Reciprocating Pump, Indicator diagrams Part 1, Indicator diagrams Part 2, Indicator diagrams Part 3, Air Vessels Part - 1, Air Vessels Part - 2, Comparison of Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps, Problem on Reciprocating Pumps.01:06:40
B.LakshmiNarayana., B Tech (IIT , Chennai)
An astute faculty and an alumnus of IIT Chennai with more than 7 years of experience in teaching Mechanical Engineering subjects, especially fluid mechanics. He has previously worked at Cummins India Limited before pursuing his teaching career. With a meritorious academic background of the top rank in IIT (JEE), Mr. Lakshmi Narayana has several years of guiding experience for students pursuing B.Tech and preparing for GATE and other competitive exams. He has worked at IIIT Basar and other prestigious institutions.