- KEYS 700
- No of Question Papers 36
- Branch ALL
- Language English
Course Description
Engineering Mathematics is an important and a scoring subject in GATE. Our online course consists of 35 Mock tests that cover the entire syllabi focusing on topics and subtopics. The question papers are designed as per the weightage of each topic and subtopic. Answers (keys) are explained by senior GATE faculty in the shortest way possible there is to solve a problem. The question papers are designed by top rankers who have previously written GATE and top faculty who are well experienced in GATE Coaching. The keys for the problems are explained in Audio/video format for easy understanding.
Recommended For
All GATE 2022 Aspirants
All Universities approved by AICTE
Learning Outcomes
- Thorough understanding of the types of questions and shortest and easily understandable answers covering the entire syllabi.
- Thorough practice of the mock question papers and right answering approach.
- Strength and weakness areas in topics and subtopics.
- Time management in answering questions.
- Expertise in using a virtual calculator
- Speed and accuracy in understanding the questions and answering.
- The practice of MSQs (Multiple Select Questions) that were introduced this year.
- Practice avoiding questions resulting in negative marks and focussing on questions resulting in positive marks.
Virtual Educational Frameworks Private Limited
virtulearn.in is an online video streaming platform that offers online streaming tutorial videos, consisting of experienced faculty, for engineering students.