- Videos 162
- Duration 17:05:43
- Branch EEE
- Language English
Course Description
This subject covers concepts on block diagrams and time-domain analysis solutions to time-invariant systems. It covers, in-depth, different aspects of stability analysis in the frequency domain and time domain.
Recommended For
B.E/B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Learning Outcomes
- After going through this subject, the student will get a thorough knowledge on open-loop and closed-loop control systems, the concept of feedback in control systems, mathematical modelling and transfer function derivations of Synchros, AC and DC servo motors, transfer function representation through block diagram algebra, and signal flow graphs, time response analysis of different ordered systems through their characteristic equation and time domain specifications, stability analysis of control systems in S-domain through R-H criteria and root-locus techniques, frequency response analysis through bode diagrams, Nyquist, polar plots and the basics of state-space analysis, design of PID controllers, lag, lead, lag-lead compensators, with which they can apply the above conceptual things to real-world electrical and electronics problems and applications.
UNIT 1 Control Systems: Introduction, Concepts of Control Systems Part 1, Concepts of Control Systems Part 2, Different examples of control systems, Breif History, Classification of control systems, Feed-Back Characteristics- part 1, Feed-Back Characteristics- Part 2, Open Loop and closed loop control systems and their differences, Mathematical models, laplace transforms, Advantages and disadvantages of transfer function, Differential equations, Mechanical systems introduction, Mechanical networks & problem 1, Mechanical systems Problem 2 & 32:06:32
UNIT 2.1 Control systems components: CS Componenets - DC field controlled servo motor, Armature controlled servo motor, AC servo motor, Synchros- part 1, Synchros- part 20:42:07
UNIT 2.2 Block Diagram & SFG: Black digrams rules- part 1, Black digrams rules- part 2, Black digrams of electrical systam, Black digrams Probelms - 1, Black digrams Probelms - 2, Black digrams Probelms - 3, Signal flow graph, Mason gain formula, Signal flow graph problems-2, Signal flow graph from block digram problems-3, Signal flow graph of RLC circuit problems-4, Signal flow graph problems-5, Signal flow graph from block digrams and differences1:43:00
UNIT 3.1 Time Response Analysis: Introduction, test signals, Typs of TF,characteristic equation, Time response of 1st order system Inroduction, Impulse & step response of 1st order system, Ramp response of 1st order system, Time response of 2nd order system, Classification of II order system resposnes, Under damped Response of II order system, Under damped Response of II order system- 1, Time domain specifications - part 1, Time domain specifications - part 2, Time domain specifications - part 3, TRA problems- part 1, TRA problems- part 2, TRA problems- part 32:26:03
UNIT 3.2 Steady State Errors: Steady state errors-Introduction, Steady state errors Constants- part 1, Steady state errors Constants- part 2, Generalize constants, Steady state errors problems, PID Controllers1:02:18
UNIT 4.1 Introduction To Stability: Stability - introduction, RH Criterian - necessary conditons, Sufficient conditons & Routh's Array, RH Criterian - examples, Special Cases: case-I, Special Cases: case-II, RH criterion Problems-part1, RH criterion Problems-part2, RH criterion Problems-part3, RH criterion Problems-part4, Time delay systems & RHC Limitations1:49:19
UNIT 4.2 Root Locus Technique: Root Locus Technique- introduction, Root Locus Diagram Rules -part1, Root Locus Diagram Rules -part2, Root Locus Diagram Rules -part3, Root Locus Diagram Rules -part4, Root Locus Diagram Rules -part5, Root Locus Diagram Rules -part6, Root Locus Diagram Rules -part7, Root locus Diagram rules - part 8 & Steps, RLD Problems - part 1, RLD Problems - part 2, RLD Problems - part 3, RLD Problems - part 4, RLD Problems - part 5, RLD Problems - part 6, RLD Problems - part 7, RLD Problems - part 8, RLD Problems - part 9, RLD Problems - part 10, RLD Problems - part 11, Effect of Poles and Zeros on Root locus3:22:48
UNIT 5 Frequency Response Analysis: Frequency Response Analysis- introduction, Frequency domain specifications, FDS Problems- Part 1, FDS Problems- Part 2, correlation & types TF, FRA techniques Bode Plot - Introduction, Bode plot for basic terms of TF - part 1, Bode plot for basic terms of TF - part2, procedure for Bode plot- part 1, procedure for Bode plot- part 2, Gain margin & phase margin, Bode plot problems - part 1, K for GM & PM- part 2, Bode plot problems - part 3, Bode plot problems- part 4, Bode plot problems - part 5, Bode plot problems - part 6, Bode plot problems - part 7, Stability analysis using bodeplot, Transfer function from bode plot - 1, Transfer function from bode plot - 2, Transfer function from bode plot - 3, Analytical calculations of GM, PM - part 1, Analytical calculations of GM, PM - part 2, Analytical calculations of GM, PM - part 33:55:36
Mr. B. Raja Gopal Reddy M.E, (Ph. D)
Raja Gopal received an AMIE (Electrical Engineering) degree from the Institution of Engineers (India) in 2001 and an M.E degree from Anna university in 2003. He has 15 years of experience in teaching various subjects in the Electrical and Electronics engineering domain and a year of research experience in ISRO response project at the University of Hyderabad. He is currently working as a professor in an engineering college in Hyderabad.