- Videos 83
- Duration 11:48:01
- Branch ECE
- Language English
Course Description
This subject aims at providing a framework to understand the fundamentals of discrete-time signals, systems, and filter design aspects of digital signal processing. It deals with the design methodology of digital FIR & IIR filters. Different filter structures for the realization of digital filters will be discussed. Further, it explains the sampling rate conversions and their applications to multi-rate digital signal processing.
Recommended For
B.E/B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering /GATE
Learning Outcomes
- Analyze and implement digital signal processing systems in the time domain.
- Analyze and implement digital systems using the DFT and the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
- Understand the inter-relationship between DFT and other transforms.
- Analyze digital signal processing systems using Laplace- Transform and Z-transform.
- Understand the significance of various filter structures and the effects of round-off errors.
- Design frequency-selective digital filters.
- Design digital filters using windows.
UNIT 1 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing: Introduction, Digital Signals & Sequences PART 1, Digital Signals & Sequences PART 2, Digital Signals & Sequences PART 3, Linear shift invariant Systems PART 1, Linear shift invariant Systems PART 2, Linear shift invariant Systems PART 3, Linear shift invariant Systems PART 4, Stability and casuality PART 1, Stability and casuality PART 2, Linear Constant Coefficient Difference Equations PART 1, Linear Constant Coefficient Difference Equations PART 2, Linear Constant Coefficient Difference Equations PART 3, Frequency Representation of Discrete Time signals and systems part - 1, Frequency Representation of Discrete Time signals and systems part - 202:14:36
UNIT 1.1 Realization of Digital Filters: Applications of Z-transforms, Stability criterian Frequency Response of Stable Systems, Realization of Digital Filters Canonic,cascade and parallel forms part -1, Realization of Digital Filters Canonic,cascade and parallel forms part -2, Realization of Digital Filters Canonic,cascade and parallel forms part -300:43:05
UNIT 2 Discrete Fourier Series: DFS Representation of Periodic properties of Discrete Fourier Series, Discrete Fourier Transform of DFT, DFT Problem, Convolution Derivation, Linear Convolution of Sequences using DFT Part 1, Linear Convolution of Sequences using DFT Part 2, Linear Convolution of Sequences using DFT Part 3, Circular Convolution of Sequences using DFT PART 1, Circular Convolution of Sequences using DFT PART 2, Circular Convolution of Sequences using DFT PART 3, Circular Convolution of Sequences using DFT PART 4, Over-Lap Add Method,Over-Lap Save Method, Relation between DFS,DFT and Z-Transform01:42:57
UNIT 2.1 Fast Fourier transforms(FFT): Radix-2 Decimation-in-Time Part 1, Radix-2 Decimation-in-Time Part 2, Radix-2 Decimation-in-Time Part 3, Decimation-in-Frequency FFT Algorithms PART 1, Decimation-in-Frequency FFT Algorithms PART 200:47:23
UNIT 3 IIR Digital Filters: Introduction Part-1, Introduction Part-2, Butterworth Analog filter approximations PART 1, Butterworth Analog filter approximations PART 2, Butterworth Analog filter approximations PART 3, Chebyshev Analog Filter Approximations Part 1, Chebyshev Analog Filter Approximations Part 2, Chebyshev Analog Filter Approximations Part 3, Step and impulse Invariant Techniques PART 1, Step and impulse Invariant Techniques PART 2, Bilinear Trasnformation Method Part 1, Bilinear Trasnformation Method Part 2, Spectral Transformations01:51:10
UNIT 4 FIR Digital Filters: Characteristics of FIR Digital Filters, Frequency Response Part 1, Frequency Response Part 2, Fourier Method Part 1, Fourier Method Part 2, Digital Filters using Window Techniques PART 1, Digital Filters using Window Techniques PART 2, Digital Filters using Window Techniques PART 3, Frequency Sampling Technique PART 1, Frequency Sampling Technique PART 2, Comaprision of IIR&FIR Filters01:34:14
UNIT 5 Multirate Digital Signal Processing: Introduction, Down Sampling(or)Decimation Part 1, Down Sampling(or)Decimation Part 2, Upsampling(or)Interpolation, Sampling rate Conversion00:43:58
UNIT 5.1 Finite Word Length Effects: Introduction Part 1, Introduction Part 2, Introduction Part 3, Introduction Part 4, Limit Cycles and Dead Band Effects Part 1, Limit Cycles and Dead Band Effects Part 2, Overflow Oscillations, Round-Off Noise in IIR Digital filters PART 1, Round-Off Noise in IIR Digital filters PART 2, Round-Off Noise in IIR Digital filters PART 3, Round-Off Noise in IIR Digital filters PART 4, Computational Output Round off Noise Part 1, Computational Output Round off Noise Part 2, Computational Output Round off Noise Part 3, Methods to Prevent Overflow PART 1, Methods to Prevent Overflow PART 202:10:38
Mr. Syed Shakeel Hashmi ., BE ,ME(Osmania),(Ph.D ,JNTU A).MIEEE
Mr. Hashmi has over 20 years of teaching experience in various subjects across Electronics and Communications Engineering. Currently, he is associated with ICFAI (deemed university) as an assistant professor in the ECE department at Hyderabad. He has over 10 national and international journals to his credit. His area of research currently is in Signal Processing and Cognitive Radio.