- Videos 165
- Duration 15:52:24
- Branch B.E/B.Tech
- Language English
Course Description
This course is aimed at advancing concepts of programming and software code organization within the framework of structural and procedural programming paradigms and it is also aimed at competitive programming and technical interviews. The course is oriented to those who want to advance structured and procedural programming understanding and to improve C programming skills. The major objective is to provide students with an understanding of code organization and functional hierarchical decomposition using primary and complex data types.
Recommended For
Who are interested to learn C Programming
Learning Outcomes
- Crack the solutions of coding competitions and technical interviews.
- Define and manage data types based on the problem subject domain.
- Work with textual information, characters, and strings.
- Work with arrays of complex objects.
- Understand branching statements, loop statements and use them in problem-solving.
- Understand procedural oriented programming using functions and solve large, complex applications.
UNIT 1 Unit 1: Introduction to Programming, Features of C Programming, Introduction to components of a computer system, disks, primary and secondary memory, Processor and Operating System, Compilers, Creating,compiling and executing a program etc, Structure of C Program Part - 1, Structure of C Program Part - 2, Number Systems Part - 1, Number Systems Part - 2, Introduction to Algorithms, steps to solve logical and numerical problems, Representation of Algorithm, Flowchart with Examples, Pseudo code, Program design and structured programming1:48:10
UNIT 1.1 Introduction to C Programming Language:: C Tokens, Variables, Identifiers, Datatypes, Syntax and Logical Errors in compilation, Object and executable code, Operators, Binary Operators, Logical Operators, Ternary Operator, Bitwise Operators, expressions and precedence, Expression evaluation, Storage classes (auto, extern, static and register) Part - 1, Storage classes (auto, extern, static and register) Part - 2, Type Conversion, The main method and command line arguments2:06:16
UNIT 1.2 Conditional Branching and Loops: Writing and evaluation of conditionals and consequent branching with switch-case, goto, Conditionals and consequent branching with if, if-else Part - 1, Conditionals and consequent branching with if, if-else Part - 2, Conditionals and consequent branching with if, if-else Part - 3, Switch Statement, Unconditional statements, Iterative statements, While Loop, For loop, Factorial of a Given Number by Using For Loop, Do While, Example Program, FOrmatted I/O , Simple input and output with scanf and printf and Introduction to stdin, stdout and stderr1:38:20
UNIT 2 Arrays, Strings, Structures and Pointers: Arrays one dimensional arrays & It's Operations, One Dimensional Array Program 1, One Dimensional Array Program 2, Two Dimensional Arrays, Two Dimensional Arrays Program 1, Two Dimensional Arrays Program 2, Multidimensional Arrays, Creating of Arrays, accessing and manipulating elements of arrays, Introduction to strings, Handling strings as array of characters, Basic string functions available in C (strlen, strcat, strcpy, strstr etc.), Basic Strings Program 1, Basic Strings Program 2, Basic Strings Program 3, Basic Strings Program 4, Basic Strings Program 5, Arrays of Strings, Structures Defining and initializing structures, Structures Intilaization, Unions, Unions Program Typedef Structure, Array of Structures, Array of Structures Program, Idea of Pointers, Pointers Idea of Pointers Program, Defining pointers, Pointers to Arrays and Structures, Use of Pointers in self-referential structures, Usage of self referential structures in linked list (no implementation), Enumeration Data Type4:15:44
UNIT 3 Preprocessor and File handling in C: Preprocessor, Commonly used Preprocessor commands like include, define, undef, if, ifdef, ifndef, Files: Text and Binary files, Creating, Reading and writing text and binary files, To understand the write mode in files, Write Mode in files and usage of fprint and fputs, Read mode in files and usage of fscanf, Read Mode in Files, Write Mode in Getchar and putc, Read and write on "putc", Write the data on binary file, Copy the contents of one file to another file, To merge the contents of two files onto third file, To count number of characters,words and lines in a given text file, To Understand the usage of fseek and ftell functions, To understand the file positioning functions fseek and ftell, To understand the usage of include preprocessor directive, To Understand the usage of define, ifdef, else,endif, To Understand the usage of ifndef,else,endif, To understand the usage of undef, Appending data to existing files, Writing and reading structures using binary files, Random access using fseek, ftell and rewind functions1:57:11
UNIT 4 Function and Dynamic Memory Allocation: Designing structured programs, Declaring a function, Signature of a function, Parameters and return type of a function, passing parameters to functions, Using Void function without parameters, Using Non-void functions without parameters, Using Void functions with Parameters, Using Non-Void functions with parameters, Using bit-wise operators and implement the concept of call by value, To swap two numbers using temporary variable and implement the concept of call-by-refrence, The usage of free() function, call by value, Passing arrays to functions, Sum of array elements by passing array to a function, Passing pointers to functions, idea of call by reference, Some C standard functions and libraries, Different Standard math library functions, Recursion, Factorial of a given number with recursion, Factorial of a given number without recursion, Fibonacci series using recursion, To implement towers of hanoi using recursion, Limitations of Recursive functions, Dynamic memory allocation, Allocating and freeing memory, malloc() memory allocation function, calloc() dynamic memory allocation function, realloc() dynamic memory allocation function, Allocating memory for arrays of different data types1:58:30
UNIT 5 Introduction to Algorithms: Introduction, Algorithms for finding roots of a quadratic equations, Finding Minimum and Maximum numbers of a given set, finding if a number is prime number, etc, Basic searching in an array of elements (linear and binary search techniques), Binary Search Program, Basic algorithms to sort array of elements, Selection Sort, Selection Sort Program 1, Bubble Sort, Bubble Sort Program, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Merge Sort Program 1 Part - 1, Merge Sort Program 1 Part - 2, Quick Sort, Quick Sort Program, Basic concept of order of complexity through the example programs2:08:13
Aravind Kumar N, B.Tech, M.Tech,(PhD)
Aravind Kumar is a freelance technical trainer with ten years of teaching experience at various engineering colleges. He is certified in Big Data Analytics and Optimization at the International School of Engineering, Hyderabad. The program is certified by LTI of Carnegie Mellon University. He taught many subjects and projects for UG and PG students. He has published six international conferences and journal papers in cloud computing and security. He is proficient in programming languages, Big Data, Data Science, and Machine Learning.